Services Offered 

Examples of some of the services we offer include: 

Canine Spay & Neuters


*Pre-Surgical Exam *IV catheter + Fluids

*Pre-Surgical Blood Work *Nail Trim

*Spay/Neuter Surgery *Ear Exam

*Pain Injection *E-Collar (cone)

*Close Monitoring before, during and after anesthesia

*Pain Medication to go home 

Feline Spay & Neuters


*Pre-Surgical Exam *Nail Trim

*Spay/Neuter Surgery *Ear Exam

*Pain Injection *E-Collar (cone)

*Close Monitoring before, during and after anesthesia

*Pain Medication to go home (Females only)


Our dentals are performed under anesthesia to allow complete evaluation of the teeth and a thorough cleaning. Your pet will receive a pre-surgical exam, fluids via IV cathether, close monitoring before, during, and after anesthesia, as well as a nail trim, and ear exam. Every dental includes a full service Dental Prophylaxis ( a cleaning procedure performed to thoroughly clean the teeth) and polishing. Should we find signs of infection, or broken teeth we would ask consent for extractions before surgery.  An estimate of expected range of cost will be provided.

Wound Repairs

In the event your pet is in need of a wound repair, we provide a sedated or anesthetic procedure. At Brae Veterinary Center, every effort is made to reduce anesthetic and procedural risks wherever possible. Pre-surgical bloodwork per the Doctor's discretion, and close monitoring will take place. We recommend your pet going home with an E-Collar (cone) as well to prevent re-injury.


We provide scheduled C-sections for patients and breeds known to have dystocia (difficult birthing). Close monitoring to allow timing of scheduling including X-ray imaging of the abdomen, ultrasound exam of pups, and progesterone levels are required services prior to scheduling. Pre-surgical bloodwork, pain injections, extensive monitoring, fluid therapy, and medications to take home will be included. C-sections are performed as an outpatient procedure and the Patient and Pups will be sent home the day of the procedure once they are fully recovered.